Brad Hamilton

Brad Hamilton

purveyor of fine instruction

© 2024


Compassion and Vision

I recently attended the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. One of the highlights was the meeting that took place between an African, Jimmy, and his Compassion International sponsor of 19 years. I’ve included the video below. If you’ve never considered sponsoring a child through Compassion International, or World Vision, I’d like to ask you to think about it.

Several years ago my family began sponsoring a little girl through World Vision that is the same age as our daughter. This year we’ve started sponsoring a little boy the same age as our son. For us, it’s a great way to be involved in the life of a child in need, for our children to get a sense that the world is a very small place, and to live out our call to be Jesus in all spheres and domains of life.

More information: Compassion International // World Vision