Brad Hamilton

Brad Hamilton

purveyor of fine instruction

© 2024


Geek is the New Rock

…at least that’s what I was told last night at Ignite Cardiff. It’s hard to describe exactly what Ignite is or who it’s aimed at, but let me briefly try to explain.

Basically, a presenter is given 5 minutes, 20 slides at 15 seconds per slide, and can talk about anything they want. Last night there were 11 presenters with topics ranging from the truly geek (“Drupal”) to the truly philosophical (“Change”).

The crowd was predominantly male with an average age in the mid-30’s. I would also suspect that the majority of people in the crowd had some interest, either hobby or work, in web technologies, design, social media, etc.

A couple of highlights:

  • Pete Prior talked about how he’s tagged his cats with an RFID collar and now knows when they leave the house. You can follow his cats movements on Twitter.
  • Lloyd Morgan talked about the psychology of wine. Don’t order the second cheapest bottle of wine on the menu. It’s been marked up the most.
  • Rob May gave us all a plan for retreating to Cardiff Castle should zombies attack the city.

All in all it was a good night. I’m looking forward to the next Ignite Cardiff. Thanks to Cardiff Web Scene, Nocci, and Lonely Planet for putting on the event.