Brad Hamilton

Brad Hamilton

purveyor of fine instruction

© 2024


On Customer Health

I have been thinking about customer health quite a bit lately. I guess this makes sense, given my role as Director of Customer Journey Solutions for New Relic. My team is responsible for leading the broader organization in creating the appropriate “formula” to capture the health of our customers.

We are currently evaluating our customer health model by looking for areas that can be improved or changed to accurately capture what it means to see a number and instinctively know what we should do with it.

As I’ve been reading, researching, and formulating I’ve found two issues:

  1. We, those of us in customer success roles, have over complicated customer health to the point that Einstein could not come up with an acceptable framework and formula.
  2. Not a single article, paper, or website that I have found ties customer health to the customer journey. I’m certainly not saying those articles do not exist, but I’ve yet to find them.

Upcoming: Solving for these two issues.

(A caveat before I suggest solutions to these two issues: I live in a B2B SaaS world. If that’s not your world then take this with a grain of salt.)